31 products were found matching your search for Der Main in 2 shops:
Johann Anton André (1775-1842) und der Mozart-Nachlass: Ein Notenschatz in Offenbach am Main
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.21 $148 Seiten; VDG / Offenbacher Studien. Band 1 - 1. Auf. 2006 - tb. Gr. - 9-30-5-L1 G4-EV94-DR6U Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 500
Probability Theory: Basic Concepts · Limit Theorems Random Processes (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.53 $The aim of this book is to serve as a reference text to provide an orientation in the enormous material which probability theory has accumulated so far. The book mainly treats such topics like the founda tions of probability theory, limit theorems and random processes. The bibliography gives a list of the main textbooks on probability theory and its applications. By way of exception some references are planted into the text to recent papers which in our opinion did not find in monographs the attention they deserved (in this connection we do not at all want to attribute any priority to one or the other author). Some references indicate the immediate use of the material taken from the paper in question. In the following we recommend some selected literature, together with indications of the corresponding sections of the present reference book. The textbook by B. V. Gnedenko, "Lehrbuch der Wahrscheinlichkeits theorie " , Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1957, and the book by W. Feller, "IntroductioI). to Probability Theory and its Applications", Wiley, 2. ed., New York 1960 (Chapter I, § 1 of Chapter V) may serve as a first introduction to the various problems of probability theory. A large complex of problems is treated in M. Loeve's monograph "Probability Theory", Van Nostrand, 2. ed., Princeton, N. J.; Toronto, New York, London 1963 (Chapters II, III, § 2 Chapter VI). The foundations of probability theory are given in A. N. Kolmogorov's book "Grund begriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung", Springer, Berlin 1933.
Lehrbuch Der Topologie (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.19 $The 1930s were important years in the development of modern topology, pushed forward by the appearance of a few pivotal books, of which this is one. The focus is on combinatorial and algebraic topology, with as much point-set topology as needed for the main topics. One sees from the modern point of view that the authors are working in a category of spaces that includes locally finite simplicial complexes. (Their definition of manifold is more properly known today as a "triangulizable homology manifold".) Amazingly, they manage to accomplish a lot without the convenient tools of homological algebra, such as exact sequences and commutative diagrams, that were developed later. The main topics covered are: simplicial homology (coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}$ or $\mathbb{Z}_2$), local homology, surface topology, the fundamental group and covering spaces, three-manifolds, Poincaré duality, and the Lefschetz fixed point theorem. Few prerequisites are necessary. A final section reviews the lemmas and theorems from group theory that are needed in the text. As stated in the introduction to the important book by Alexandroff and Hopf (which appeared a year after Seifert and Threlfall): "Its lively and instructive presentation makes this book particularly suitable as an introduction or as a textbook."
Tell el-Dab`a XX (Denkschriften Der Gesamtakademie)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.00 $English summary: The main aim of this study was to synchronise the various excavation areas of Tell el-Dabca with each other by the means of pottery seriation. 9 phases dating to the period between the late Middle Kingdom until the beginning of the New Kingdom were taken into consideration. The publication consists - due to practical reasons - of two volumes. Vol. I contains the description of the various shapes divided into the 2 main groups of Egyptian and Middle Bronze Age pottery. The description of the types follows the clay classification of the Vienna system. The time span of its appearance as well as chronological relevant parallels are named for each type. Vol. II contains the pottery plates according to their phases and attached tables showing the duration and quantity of each type during the various phases.German description: Ziel der hier vorgelegten Studie war es die geographisch von einander getrennten Siedlungsschichten der einzelnen Grabungsareale von Tell el-Dabca mit Hilfe der Keramik zu synchronisieren. Zu diesem Zweck wurden gut stratifizierte Kontexte der einzelnen Areale statistisch ausgewertet und stratigraphisch sowie chronologisch abgeglichen. Bei den untersuchten Schichten handelt es sich um 9 Phasen die in den Zeitraum vom Ende der 12. Dynastie bis zum Anfang des Neuen Reiches fallen. Die Publikation wurde aus praktischen Grunden in 2 Banden vorgelegt. In Band I, dem Textband, findet sich eine detaillierte Beschreibung der einzelnen Typen der Siedlungskeramik getrennt nach agyptischen und mittelbronzezeitlichen Formen, wobei die Wareneinteilung gemass dem aVienna System erfolgte. Fur jede Form wird die Zeitspanne ihres Vorkommens in Tell el-Dabca festgehalten sowie chronologisch relevante Parallelen angefuhrt. In Band II finden sich die Abbildungen der einzelnen Formen gemass den einzelnen Phasen. Daran anschliessend wurde in Tabellen das prozentuelle und quantitative Vorkommen der Formen in den einzelnen Phasen wiedergegeben.
Die Erde ist mir Heimat nicht geworden: Das Leben der Karoline von Günderrode
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.22 $Neu -Frankfurt Main 2006. »Die Erde ist mir Heimat nicht geworden« - dieser Ausspruch charakterisiert das gebrochene Verhältnis Karoline von Günderrodes zu ihrer Zeit und ihre Zerrissenheit als Frau und als Dichterin. Begabt, intelligent, anziehend, als Tochter einer verarmten Adelsfamilie jedoch früh in einem Frankfurter Damenstift untergebracht, litt sie unter ihren eingeschränkten Lebensverhältnissen. Zwei Liebesbeziehungen scheiterten. Der Nachwelt ist das einzigartige, konzentrierte Leben der Karoline von Günderrode oft noch interessanter erschienen als ihre Dichtungen: Bettine von Arnims Günderrode-Buch und Christa Wolfs Erzählung »Kein Ort. Nirgends« zeugen davon. 283 pp. Deutsch
Lehrbuch Der Topologie (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.00 $The 1930s were important years in the development of modern topology, pushed forward by the appearance of a few pivotal books, of which this is one. The focus is on combinatorial and algebraic topology, with as much point-set topology as needed for the main topics. One sees from the modern point of view that the authors are working in a category of spaces that includes locally finite simplicial complexes. (Their definition of manifold is more properly known today as a "triangulizable homology manifold".) Amazingly, they manage to accomplish a lot without the convenient tools of homological algebra, such as exact sequences and commutative diagrams, that were developed later. The main topics covered are: simplicial homology (coefficients in $\mathbb{Z}$ or $\mathbb{Z}_2$), local homology, surface topology, the fundamental group and covering spaces, three-manifolds, Poincaré duality, and the Lefschetz fixed point theorem. Few prerequisites are necessary. A final section reviews the lemmas and theorems from group theory that are needed in the text. As stated in the introduction to the important book by Alexandroff and Hopf (which appeared a year after Seifert and Threlfall): "Its lively and instructive presentation makes this book particularly suitable as an introduction or as a textbook."
Ao Tea Roa: Insel der verlorenen Wu?nsche = island of lost desire : Hundertwasser in New Zealand (German and English Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 104.22 $Hardback book (no dust jacket) titled AO TEA ROA (Island of Lost Desire). Text in German, English and French. Published in Germany in 1979. Illustrated with black and white and color photographs. See my photographs (5) of this book on main listing page. Bookseller since 1995 (LL-Base2BS-9-top-L) rareviewbooks
Philosophische Untersuchungen über das Wesen der menschlichen Freiheit und die damit zusammenhängenden Gegenstände -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.77 $3. Auflage. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main, 1988. 111 S., kart. (zu Beginn Anstreichungen mit Bleistift)
Der kleine Bär
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.16 $Frankfurt am Main u.a. : Sauerländer Verlag, 12. Auflage 1985, 63 Seiten, 22 cm ; gebunden, illustriertes Hardcover ; guter bis sehr guter Zustand, keine Einträge
Flugzeuge und Hubschrauber der Luftwaffe: 1933-1945
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.58 $This book presents all series built aircraft of the German Luftwaffe in the years 1935 - 1945. The book begins with a historical introduction, and then a chapter is devoted to camouflage and markings. The main body of the book deals with the individual types of aircraft listed by manufacturer. Each aircraft is presented with information about the history, testing, production, use, work number and year and number built, if information is available. Of particular interest are the images with more than 150 color drawings, either side-view or 3-view drawings, as well as over 300 contemporary photographs. This is a German language text of 453 pages.
Basic Number Theory (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.43 $From the reviews: "L.R. Shafarevich showed me the first edition [...] and said that this book will be from now on the book about class field theory. In fact it is by far the most complete treatment of the main theorems of algebraic number theory, including function fields over finite constant fields, that appeared in book form." Zentralblatt MATH
Probability Theory: Basic Concepts · Limit Theorems Random Processes (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.56 $The aim of this book is to serve as a reference text to provide an orientation in the enormous material which probability theory has accumulated so far. The book mainly treats such topics like the founda tions of probability theory, limit theorems and random processes. The bibliography gives a list of the main textbooks on probability theory and its applications. By way of exception some references are planted into the text to recent papers which in our opinion did not find in monographs the attention they deserved (in this connection we do not at all want to attribute any priority to one or the other author). Some references indicate the immediate use of the material taken from the paper in question. In the following we recommend some selected literature, together with indications of the corresponding sections of the present reference book. The textbook by B. V. Gnedenko, "Lehrbuch der Wahrscheinlichkeits theorie " , Akademie-Verlag, Berlin 1957, and the book by W. Feller, "IntroductioI). to Probability Theory and its Applications", Wiley, 2. ed., New York 1960 (Chapter I, § 1 of Chapter V) may serve as a first introduction to the various problems of probability theory. A large complex of problems is treated in M. Loeve's monograph "Probability Theory", Van Nostrand, 2. ed., Princeton, N. J.; Toronto, New York, London 1963 (Chapters II, III, § 2 Chapter VI). The foundations of probability theory are given in A. N. Kolmogorov's book "Grund begriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung", Springer, Berlin 1933.
Cohomology of Number Fields (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften 323)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.45 $Galois modules over local and global fields form the main subject of this monograph, which can serve both as a textbook for students, and as a reference book for the working mathematician, on cohomological topics in number theory. The first part provides the necessary algebraic background. The arithmetic part deals with Galois groups of local and global fields: local Tate duality, the structure of the absolute Galois group of a local field, extensions of global fields with restricted ramification, cohomology of the idèle and the idèle class groups, Poitou-Tate duality for finitely generated Galois modules, the Hasse principle, the theorem of Grunwald-Wang, Leopoldt's conjecture, Riemann's existence theorem for number fields, embedding problems, the theorems of Iwasawa and of Safarevic on solvable groups as Galois groups over global fields, Iwasawa theory of local and global number fields, and the characterization of number fields by their absolute Galois groups.
Biologie der Pflanzen: 4
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.83 $Biology of Plants provides a comprehensive survey of basic botany - including viruses, prokaryotes, fungi and protists. Biology of the plant cell, diversity, genetics and evolution, growth and development, structure and function, as well as physiology and ecology form the main focus of the work. The 4th edition incorporates the newest scientific advances on all fronts, including increased emphasis on molecular methods applied to the study of plants, fundamentally new understanding of the evolution of angiosperms, substantial changes in the classification of protists and seedless vascular plants, significant new information on plant hormones from Arabidopsis studies. This thoroughly revised new edition also streamlines coverage of introductory topics and contains changes in the presentation of the material to address changes in the science. This didactically proven text book is elaborately illustrated and contains problem sets as well as an extensive glossary. Conceived for the American undergraduate program, "Raven" offers an effective and goal-oriented exam preparation for both majors and minors in Botany (Diplom, Bachelor and Masters programs).
Einfuhrung in die Determinantentheorie: einschliesslich der Fredholmschen Determinanten
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.55 $This is the third edition of Kowalewski's classic treatise on determinants. The majority of the book concerns properties of determinants of matrices, including special families of matrices, such as symmetric or orthogonal matrices. A main chapter covers the applications to linear and quadratic forms. Kowalewski then turns his attention to matrices associated to one or more functions. An example of such is the Wronskian of a collection of $n$ functions of one variable, which is connected with the theory of $n$th-order ordinary differential equations. Another key example is that of the Fredholm determinant and the associated minors, which are important in Hilbert's approach to the solution of linear integral equations. The third edition finishes with a newly added chapter on elementary divisor theory.
Guido Reni. der Göttliche. [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.29 $4°. 28 cm x 23 cm. 328 Seiten. Farbig illustrierter Original-Pappband. 1. Auflage. Mit zahlreichen, zum Teil ganzseitigen Farbabbildungen. Publikation anlässlich der gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main, vom 23. November 2022 bis 5. März 2023. Neuwertiges Exemplar. Sprache: deutsch.
Werke, Bd.6, Die Niemandsrose, 2 Tle.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.88 $Neuware -Die Gedichtsammlung Die Niemandsrose erschien im Oktober 1963 im S. Fischer Verlag in Frankfurt am Main. Sie enthält 53 Gedichte aus den Jahren 1959-1963. Das früheste Gedicht der Sammlung trägt das Datum vom 5. März 1959, die letzte Datierung einer Gedicht-Überarbeitung stammt vom 25. April 1963. Die frühesten Gedichte der Sammlung schließen also unmittelbar an die Fertigstellung des Bandes Sprachgitter an.Dass der Band unter Celans Gedichtesammlungen eine Sonderstellung einnimmt, zeigt sich zunächst schon am langen Entstehungszeitraum und den vielen, oft krankheitsbedingten Unterbrechungen, den wochen- und zum Teil monatelangen Lücken in der Entstehungs-Chronologie. In diese Phase fallen auch die Arbeiten am Gespräch im Gebirg und an der Büchner-Preis-Rede Der Meridian. 416 pp. Deutsch
Herbal Medicine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.64 $The English translation of the current sixth edition of "Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie", this book takes account of present-day research findings in the field of herbal medicine. This new edition has further suggestions for prescriptions, as well as indications for new areas of application. The main part of the book studies the large body of plant drugs, arranged on a basis of clinical diagnoses relating to particular systems - digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary, nervous, female reproductive, the skin and the eyes. There are separate chapters on influenza and colds, rheumatic conditions, some metabolic and endocrinal disorders, the use of herbal medicine in cancer, the treatment of wounds and other injuries, and the therapeutic use of herbal baths. In every case the relevant plants are discussed, with information on their occurence and botanical features, differentiation from related species, constituents and medicinal actions.
Blauer Aufbruch
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.72 $Neu -»Blauer Aufbruch« - ein Gemälde, das programmatisch für den künstlerischen Aufbruch von vier Künstlern steht. Jenes Bild von Otto Greis wurde 1952 in der berühmten Ausstellung in der Zimmergalerie Franck in Frankfurt am Main präsentiert. Die vier unbekannten Künstler Karl Otto Götz, Heinz Kreutz, Bernard Schultze und Otto Greis wurden dort als Gemeinschaft der sogenannten Quadriga subsumiert und zur deutschen Avantgardebewegung gekürt. Die Ausstellung gilt als ein Wendepunkt und Durchbruch auf dem Weg zur reinen Abstraktion. Der »Blaue Aufbruch« der vier Pioniere des Informel vollzog sich nicht als völliger Neuanfang einer fiktiven Stunde Null, sondern bestand aus langjährigen Prozessen jedes einzelnen Künstlers. Der Katalog leistet eine seit vielen Jahren fällige Würdigung der Quadriga unter neuen Aspekten und skizziert die vielschichtigen Konzeptionen sowie unkonventionellen Techniken der Künstler, aber auch die Hoffnungen eines inhaltlichen »Aufbruchs«. 224 pp. Deutsch
A Turkish Cookbook
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.66 $All Arto der Haroutunian’s twelve cookbooks written in the 1980s became classics; it was his belief that the rich culinary tradition of the Middle East is the main source of many of our Western cuisines and his books were intended as an introduction to that tradition.A Turkish Cookbook is regarded as the seminal work on the subject but has been out of print for over twenty five years. It is a lovingly written recipe book packed with traditional stories, poems and sayings. Turkey is fast becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations, and while famous for its scenic beauty and ancient sites, it undoubtedly owes much of its new found popularity to the quality and character of its food.With his inimitable talent for combining fascinating anecdotes with mouthwatering recipes, Arto der Haroutunian brings to life the ancient culinary traditions of this huge and varied country. You can recreate the wonderful fish and seafood dishes, the exotic oriental pastries, experiment with different types of kebabs or prepare a selection of meze.At once a practical cookbook and a fascinating read, A Turkish Cookbook is a splendid introduction to one of the world’s great cuisines.
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